A little while ago I posted about Let’s Encrypt as a method of getting SSL Certificates for free.
Recently I had a customer who wants a community website, and they want to offer “communityName.example.com” URLs.
In this post I’ll explain how I use Dehydrated to genetrated wildcard Let’s Encrypt SSL certs.

So, I have a customer who wants to build a community website, nothing new.
They want to offer their community users a custom URL specific to their name, in the form of username.example.com.


You’re going to need:

  • A working Dehydrated install.
  • A working Bind 9 server.
    • The Bind 9 server must be authoratative for the domain.
  • Some bash skillz yo.

I have a separte DNS server, and web server.
So that means I have to have a copy of the key file on both machines.
We’ll get to that ….

Generate a hmac-sha512 Key

So, we all know I’m a Debian user.
What that means, is all the Googling in the world kept pointing me to use dnssec-keygen to generate my key.
Well, dnssec-keygen isn’t around anymore. Instead tsig-keygen is our friend.

tsig-keygen is part of the bind9 package, so I’m running this command on my nameserver.
Let’s generate a key:

tsig-keygen -a HMAC-SHA512 -r /dev/random letsencrypt_wildcard
key "letsencrypt_wildcard" {
        algorithm hmac-sha512;
        secret "cGBBoH3wtO9e7KT1M3o1Mpe4UNLkNv2nUifQpwxBdSzoAHawkAWdMbm82TXHW+Yihu/IWinB79vqZsNYRjPDMg==";

Don’t panic: this is not my key 😁

You’ll need to copy this into a file. I called my file letsencrypt_wildcard_key.conf and placed it in my /etc/bind directory.

Include the key in Bind9

Pretty simple. You have to tell Bind9 about your key.
So in named.conf.local

include "/etc/bind/letsencrypt_wildcard_key.conf";

Edit the zone file to allow updates

In your domain zone, you will need to allow updates from people and/or processes using that key (so keep it secret!).

zone "example.com" in {
        type master;
        notify no;
        check-names warn;
        file "/var/lib/bind/example.com";
        update-policy {
            grant letsencrypt_wildcard. name _acme-challenge.example.com. txt;

Special note:
In the key file we named the key “letsencrypt_wildcard”
In the zone file we refer to: “letsencrypt_wildcard.”
Notice the period/full stop at the end?
That’s important

The update policy is restrictive.
It only allows the updating of the sub domain _acme-challenge.example.com, and only it’s TXT record.

The Wildcard zone

You’ll also need a wildcard entry in your zone:

*               IN      CNAME   example.com.

Restart Bind9 and make sure everything is tickety boo 👍.

The Wildcard hook file

So, Dehydrated uses hooks to run stuff during the certifying process.

On my webserver, in the /etc/dehydrated directory I’m going to create a new file called wildcard_hook.sh

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Example how to deploy a DNS challenge using nsupdate
# $1 an operation name (clean_challenge, deploy_challenge, deploy_cert, invalid_challenge or request_failure) and some operands for that. For deploy_challenge
# $2 is the domain name for which the certificate is required,
# $3 is a "challenge token" (which is not needed for dns-01), and
# $4 is a token which needs to be inserted in a TXT record for the domain.
# /usr/bin/dehydrated --cron --challenge dns-01 --domain *.example.com --alias star_example.com --hook /etc/dehydrated/wildcard_hook.sh

set -e
set -o pipefail

NSUPDATE="/usr/bin/nsupdate -k /etc/dehydrated/letsencrypt_wildcard_key.conf"

case "$1" in
        for DNSSERVER in $(DOMAIN_SERVERS[@]); do
            # printf "server %s\nzone %s\nupdate add _acme-challenge.%s. 3600 TXT \"%s\"\nsend\n" "${DNSSERVER}" "${DOMAIN}" "${DOMAIN}" "${TEXT}" | $NSUPDATE
            echo "adding $TEXT to $DOMAIN  on $DNSSERVER"
        for DNSSERVER in $(DOMAIN_SERVERS[@]); do
            # printf "server %s\nzone %s\nupdate delete _acme-challenge.%s. 3600 TXT \"%s\"\nsend\n" "${DNSSERVER}" "${DOMAIN}" "${DOMAIN}" "${TEXT}" | $NSUPDATE
            echo "deleting $TEXT from $DOMAIN on $DNSSERVER"
        # optional:
        # /path/to/deploy_cert.sh "$@"
        # do nothing for now
        # do nothing for now
        # do nothing for now
        exit 0

exit 0

and let chmod 755 /etc/dehydrated/wildcard_hook.sh

Note: This bash script uses nsupdate, which is part of the dnsutils package
So install dnsutils if you need to

Generate a cert

Here’s the exciting bit, let’s see if it works:

/usr/bin/dehydrated --cron --challenge dns-01 --domain *.example.com --alias star_example.com --hook /etc/dehydrated/wildcard_hook.sh


We’ve generated a Wildcard SSL cert !
Woohoo 🥳

Now in theory, you could probably cron this. I haven’t yet.
I want to keep an eye on the process.

I do, however, have a separate reporting process that keeps an eye on all my SSL certs, and emails me if one is going to expire in the next 20 days.
So, I have a backup plan for my SSL certs.
Maybe, one day I’ll blog about my SSL report?

Good luck, and Happy Secure Browsing! 😊

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